

In a constantly changing environment, having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life. The dramatic changes in global economies over the past five years have been matched with the transformation in technology and these are all impacting on education, the workplace and our home life. To cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, youth need to handle everything from interactions with others in identifying and processing emotions


Most youth do not think of the need for being aware of ‘SELF’ and most often, youth do not pay attention to understanding our own strengths , weaknesses and the opportunities available . This sometimes results in low self esteem, inability to handle pressures at school, college and in personal lives, eventually ending up in Depression.

If Life Skills are taught from a young age, the effect will be seen when the individual is ready to take decisions related to their choice of career and accordingly the selection of courses, be it professional or otherwise.

UNICEF defines life skills as “a behavior change or behavior development approach designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge, attitude and skills” and WHO also defines life skills as the “abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”

WHO/UNICEF proposed ten core Life Skills.


Coping with stress

Coping with emotions


Critical thinking

Creative thinking

Problem solving


Effective communication

Interpersonal relationship


Lead Self

Branding yourself
Strategies for Dealing with Stress
Healthy Coping emotions Strategies


GOAL Setting and Plan
Time Management
Accomplishment through Execution
Building Resilience

Social Skills

Conflict Resolution
Team work
Workplace Preparedness

Access to Youth Tool kit

Step towards Inner engineering

Discover your strengths


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